El Euribor (acrónimo de Euro Interbank Offered Rate) representa un tipo de interés medio al que se prestan dinero los bancos en Europa, y al cual se encuentran atadas la mayoría de hipotecas españolas.

Para aquellas personas, la evolución del índice marcará la pauta de cuanto pagar por el préstamo de su vivienda.

Evolución del Euribor en el último año

The data show that the Euribor in the last year has not stopped experiencing changes, mainly downward.

The monthly average for the month of August 2021 has been established at -0.5%, leaving the monthly average at -0.49%, touching the historical lows of -0.51% for January of the current year 2021.

With the downward trend that the evolution of the Euribor is experiencing, the forecast for the next few years continues to be downward. Specifically, closing at -0.45% in 2021 and at -0.42% for next year 2022.

Recommended reading: ¿Qué es el Euribor? Y cómo afecta a su hipoteca

In the following graph you can see the evolution of the Euribor during the last 12 months until September 2021:

euribor octubre 2021

How is the Euribor calculation carried out?

El euríbor es calculado por la Federación Bancaria Europea en base al promedio de los tipos de interés de las principales entidades financieras de la zona euro.

Para determinarlo, se elimina el 15% de los valores más altos y el 15% de los más bajos de los tipos de interés proporcionados por las entidades bancarias, utilizando la media de los valores restantes.

Historical evolution of the Euribor

The Euribor began to be used in 1999, always evolving in positive values ​​until February 2016, date from which it remains in negative values, a situation that favors reducing the monthly payment of mortgages.

This downward trend in the Euribor is a consequence of the economic crisis and pandemic situation, as a measure by governments to cushion the economic impact by setting low interest rates.

While the monthly average data for the last decade is 0.48%, in the last five years the average has been negative, close to -0.07%.

What will happen to the Euribor in the next few years?

It is important to clarify that any forecast on how the mortgage index will behave will hardly be exact, but what most experts agree on is that it could remain at very low levels for the next 2 to 3 years, and may begin in the long term. an upward trend again.

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